West Zone : Mumbai (Bombay)
Head Office: Mittal Court, "B" Wing, 1st Floor 224,
Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021
Tel: +91-22-2850451-56, 2880962-70. Fax :
E-mail: sebi@sebi.gov.in
Annexe: Earnest House, 14th /15th Floor, 194,
Nariman Point, Mumbai (Bombay) : 400021.
Tel : +91-22-2850441-50, 2880944-47. Fax :
+91-22-2870746, 2856002.
North Zone : New Delhi
Regional Office: The Regional Manager, No. 32,
Rajendra Bhavan,
Rajendra Place , New Delhi : 110008.
Tel : +91-11-5788658, 5726594 Fax : +91-11-5768992.
E-mail : sebi@sebinro.ernet.in
South Zone : Chennai (Madras)
Regional Office: The Regional Manager, D' Monte
Building, 3rd Floor,
32 D' Monte Colony, TTK Road,
Alwarpet, Chennai (Madras) : 600018.
Tel : +91-44-4995676/5525/7385/7480/7540.
Fax : +91-44-4998083.
E-mail : sebi@sebisro.ernet.in
East Zone : Calcutta
Regional Office: The Regional Manager, FMC, Fortuna,
5th Floor, 234/3A,
AJC Bose Road, Calcutta : 700020.
Tel : +91-33-2402435,2406104/05. Fax :
Tlx : +91-021-5091 SEBI IN.
E-mail : sebi@sebiero.ernet.in
More Info
Name of Stock Exchange: The Stock
Exchange, Ahmedabad
Address Kamdhenu Complex, Opp. Sahajanand
College, Panjarapole, Ambawadi,
Phone: (+91-079) 6449460, 6446733,
6441842, 6443058
Fax. (+91-079) 6442222
Tel. (+91-079) 6443131, 6447171
Fax. (+91-079) 6449966 / 448822
Name of Stock Exchange: The Stock
Exchange, Mumbai
Address Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal
MUMBAI 400 023.
Tel. (+91-22) 2655581, 2655626,
Fax. (+91-22) 2658121
Tel. (+91-22) 2655665
Name of Stock Exchange: Calcutta Stock
Exchange Assoc. Ltd.,
Address: 7 Lyons Range,
CALCUTTA 700 001.
Tel. (+91-33) 220 6136, 3741, 1489, 1488,
Fax. (+91-33) 2202514
Te.. (+91-33) 2206136
Name of Stock Exchange: Madras Stock
Exchange Ltd.,
Address 11 Second Line Beach, Post Box No. 183,
MADRAS 600 001.
Tel. (+91-44) 510845, 512237
Fax. (+91-044) 5244897
Tel. (+91-44) 5221070
Name of Stock Exchange: Delhi Stock
Exchange Assoc. Ltd.,
Address: 3&4/4B,
Asaf Ali Road, Near Turkman Gate
New Delhi - 110006.
Tel. (+91-11) 3724387, 3352951
Fax. (+91-11) 3379660, 3271302
Tel. (+91-11) 6219593, 6420710